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FAQs for Premium DNS
Posted on 15 August 2024 08:41 am

What is Premium DNS?

Premium DNS is your gateway to a secure, stable and fast Domain Name System (DNS). With Premium DNS you can ensure that your websites are blazing fast, your DNS records propagate instantaneously and your domains are always secure with enterprise grade security.

The first part of a request to a website is typically a DNS lookup. If the DNS server is not close to the customer this will result in a slow lookup ultimately leading to a slower loading website. With anycast servers your dns zones are pushed to all dns servers around the world. Any DNS requests are routed to the closest server possible thus resulting in a faster loading website and an optimal end-user experience.

Premium DNS also comes along with DDoS protection. The Enterprise Grade DDoS protection will keep your DNS Zone protected from DNS DDoS attacks at all times    


What is offered with my premium DNS service? 

Number of Zones  1

DDoS Protection   Yes

DKIM Record Support   Yes

DMARC Record Support   Yes

SPF Record Support   Yes

IPv6 Support   Yes

Unlimited DNS Records   Yes

Queries per month   1 Million


How do I configure Premium DNS for my domain?

You can find instructions to configure your domain for Premium DNS here. 


What happens if I hit the monthly query limit?

The no. of queries available on a monthly basis is more than sufficient to meet your business needs. While we closely monitor the no of queries hit per month we understand that your business is valuable and we will not immediately stop the service. If you consistently hit the limits on a monthly basis we will notify you before we terminate your Premium DNS order. You will have to pay overages to continue using the Premium DNS service with us.


What TLDs is Premium DNS compatible with?

Premium DNS is compatible with all TLDs


Can I use a single Premium DNS order for multiple domains?

No, Premium DNS can only be used with the domain name for which it has been purchased.


Can the Premium DNS Panel be accessed directly through a URL?

There is no way to access the Premium DNS Panel directly through any URL. It can only be accessed from the Premium DNS Management page from within the Reseller / Customer Control Panel.


Is there a Money Back Guarantee for Premium DNS Orders?

We are not offering any Money Back Guarantee for Premium DNS Orders. However, if you have purchased Premium DNS during the registration of your domain name then you will be eligible for a full refund if the domain name is deleted within the MBG of the domain.


Can the Premium DNS Order be upgraded or downgraded?

We offer only a single plan for Premium DNS. Premium DNS order can neither be upgraded nor downgraded.


What happens when my Premium DNS service expires?

When your Premium DNS service expires the order is suspended and your domain name associated with the Premium DNS order will stop resolving. The service comes with a renewal grace period that matches that of your domain name. Post the renewal grace period the Premium DNS service will get deleted and all DNS records associated with the domain and Premium DNS order will be deleted. It is advised that you maintain a copy of all DNS records and that the services are renewed in a timely manner.

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